No second is wasted in the making of this life. Every one of them is foreknown and appointed by the Everlasting One. What use we make of that prized commodity, however, is a decision that sits on our laps.

The Ancient of Days beckons us to choose to give it back to Him; not to frantically run to achieve exploits like a hamster on a wheel, but to live simply in the perpetual, now-rooted acknowledgement of His being…present, good and concerned with everything about us. The I AM of our day-to-day, the multiplier of our meager loaves and fishes is also the instigator of the Shabbat. His time management and math is counterintuitive to a world steeped in an obsession with numbers—in our wallets, on social media platforms, on a weighing scale, etc. He invites us to sit and listen before we go and do. He stills the tumultuous waters of our souls with a gentle, benevolent voice reminding us that He is with us always and that nothing in our lives is a surprise to Him. A wise investment of those precious seconds is to believe Him.

I was inspired to make this small entry while hearing Dallas Jenkins – the Creator of The Chosen – speak at this year’s Liberty University convocation. The story of how the super successful, groundbreaking series was born in the wake of an epic failure he experienced as a Director is a testament to the fact that God’s redemptive power is on every second and aspect of a surrendered life. During his speech, he shared a quote by one of his friends and mentor I find shocking but rings true to me:

“Where you’re going to be in five years is none of your business.” – Phil Vischer, Creator of VeggieTales.